A visit to the countryside is a great way for people of all stripes to reduce stress and experience an improved sense of well-being. It is one reason why it is so important that opportunities are created for those who need a little extra support in order to access natural spaces.
At Madison Fields, we get to witness the calming influence nature has on under-served members of our community on a daily basis, but don’t take our word for it!
We were thrilled to read a report published in the International Journal of Agricultural Management in 2014 which evaluated the impact of a project based in England called Let Nature Feed Your Senses (LNFYS). The project aims to provide opportunities for the disability population, the elderly, and those who experience high social-deprivation to engage all five senses during supported farm visits.
The report revealed that individuals who engaged in a sensory-rich farm visit consistently report enhanced mental well-being and social inclusion. According to the findings, participants noted “the calming impact of the farm environment; an increase in self-esteem and independence; improvements in memory function and reminiscence ability; and increased communication.”